It is our focus to be a resource to you and your family in every way we can. We’ve put together this Resource Center as a quick access collection of documents, videos, websites and account management portals which have proven beneficial to our patients through the years. In here you’ll also find resource centers specific to some of the ailments we commonly treat including Asthma, Allergies, ADHD and Cardiology. If you have any questions please give us a call or ask via our online form.
Recommended Well Visit Schedule
When to Schedule Your Child’s Next Visit
It’s important to keep up to date on your child’s well visit schedule. Simply enter your child’s name and birth date in the provided form below. The schedule will provide you with approximate target dates for you to schedule your child’s well visit appointments. Please keep a copy of this form as your guide and use our online appointment form.
Our practice follows the immunization guidelines recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics. For descriptions of these vaccines and the diseases they protect against, please visit You may also visit For detailed information sheets published by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) please visit
Why are vaccines given to babies? Is it safe to give more than one at a time? Find out everything you need to know here. Download Vaccines: Facts, Myths And More
Health Record Management
Keep track of many of the items listed above when you download a booklet that we give to our new patients. To download and print this booklet, please click here for an English copy and click here for a Spanish copy.
Please visit the following page to view more information about Requesting Medical Records.

Car Seat Check App for iPhone & Car Seat Check App for Android – Expert advice from the AAP on selecting the right car seat for your child and installing it safely
Car Safety
Parents Central
A Safe Haven For Newborns – Dedicated to reaching pregnant girls and mothers before they reach the crisis stage – How to stay safe on the Internet
Tox Town – Introduction to toxic chemicals and environmental health risks
Adventures in Parenting – National Institute of Child and Human Development
American Academy of Pediatrics
Centers for Disease Control
Children and Adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (CHADD)
Guide to Understand Genetic Conditions en Español
My Allergy Kingdom
Tips for a Healthy Pregnancy
Tips for Toothbrushing
Learn the Signs. Act Early.
Hurricanes, Tornadoes and Storms
Florida Disaster information: Tips on planning your home, family and business in the event of an emergency/disaster.
Special Medical Needs Shelter Resource Guides: (Please note that an application must be filled out prior to using one of these shelters, so if you feel you may have a need, go ahead and take the steps necessary to “reserve” space in case of a storm)
Miami-Dade County Broward County St. Lucie County Palm Beach County
Jennifer Shu, MD, FAAP, medical editor of, hosts a series of three videos that teach parents how to safely use and store medicine in their home
Medication Safety
Giving Your Child Medicine
Treating Your Child’s Cold or Flu
These videos were made possible through a grant from Target Corporation.